Sunday, December 23, 2012

Connect Vodafone Key K3806-Z to Android tablet

Basic requirements:

a. Android tablet rooted.
b. Android Terminal Emulator installed
c. PPP Widget Installed
d. Putty on Windows

Remove PIN
a. Connect the key to Pc, automatically start the Vodafone software
b. Go to Advanced -> Devices -> "PIN request" and uncheck "verify PIN"

Discover which COM port is used by the key
Go to Control Panel -> Device Manager -> Ports (COM & LPT): remember of which COM port is used by the key (Vodafone Mobile Broadband Secondary Port (ZTE)(COM7))

Block the key on the modem fuction.
a. connect the Vodafone Key to the PC
b. Run Putty
c. click on Serial
d. In the speed box write 460800
e. In the serial line box, write COM7
f. Click on the button Open

A terminal will open and type these commands:
i. ATE (result must be OK)
ii. AT%USBMODEM=0 (result must be [0] MODEM DRIVER)
iii. close the terminal

Configuration of the key
a. Connect the Vodafone Key to the tablet
b. Run Android Terminal emulator
c. type su (enter)
d. type echo "19d2 1014" > /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/option1/new_id (enter)

Configuration of PPP Widget
a. Go to configure
b. Modify the access point with

Connect the Vodafone Key to Internet
Click on Connect on PPP Widget

Sunday, December 2, 2012

How to connect to wireless network with NetworkManager

1. Activate the status of Wi-Fi in NetworkManager
$ nmcli nm wifi on
2. Creates a new connection named "myname" and then connects it to "mySSID" SSID using "mypassword" password.
$ nmcli dev wifi con mySSID password mypassword name myname
3. connects the Wi‐Fi connection with the name "myname"
$ nmcli con up id myname
Other information also in the man page of nmcli